Wednesday, December 7, 2011

10 characteristics of Airport CDM culture

In their implementation manual Eurocontrol defines the requirements for an 'Airport CDM culture':
  • Agreed relevant data should be shared between all partners involved
    at the right time.
  • Data shared should be of sufficient quality to facilitate improved traffic
    predictability and planning capabilities for all partners involved.
  • Decisions should be made by the partner best placed to make them.
  • Decisions made should be shared with all other partners.
This sounds good, in theory. But how do we know? Here are 10 characteristics on how you can evaluate whether you have a CDM culture or not:

  1. Complete openness (well, I understand if you want to keep your financial data privately, but airlines: what is the problem with sharing your pax figures?)
  2. Admit your mistakes and errors (airport, please lead by example)
  3. No finger pointing
  4. Common and shared database (e.g. AODB as a central hub for flight information)
  5. Mixed working groups and task forces, so everybody participates in finding a solution
  6. Goodwill of all partners to find solutions
  7. Joint design of measures for improvement
  8. Experimental approach / test runs (do not underestimate the power of trials!)
  9. Free discussion of findings (the goal is always the same: we want to improve)
  10. Unbureaucratic implementation of measures

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